Medirest Healthcare and iClean
At a glance
Company: Medirest, Hospitals
Locations: Australia
Number of Beds: 400
Product: iClean Hospitality Suite
The Challenge
With a staff of over 100 staff, keeping track on how they’re going at any one time is a massive task and on paper it simply can’t be done with efficiency. We have a limited number of resources so what we are looking to do is find the best possible productivity with the hours we’ve got.
Supervising progress of large numbers of staff
Finite resources when it comes to team and hours
Reporting on infectious cleaning requirements
The Solution
The iClean System allowed us to look at our schedules holistically and see across the whole site, where we could move our hours to get better efficiencies. For the first time our supervisors could see before a shift even ended how the cleaners were tracking and how much work needed to be handed over to the next team.
The Impact
When we rolled out the iClean System on site we found that our cleaners became more engaged with their work than they ever had before. They started coming to us with suggestions for how they could change the flow of their run sheets to make better use of their time and suggesting additional work they could take on.
Our supervisors used to spend half of their shifts walking around the facility to find and check in on the cleaners, but now in a few seconds they can see exactly how their team is going and who needs support.
Hannah Fidge,
Patient Services Manager, Medirest Hospital